December Spotlight Post

This website lists tips for avoiding peer pressure for teenagers. “Ask 101 questions,” “Say ‘No’ like you mean it,” “Back up a no with a positive statement,” “Be repetitive,” “Practice saying no,” “Get away from the pressure zone,” “Avoid stressful situations in the first place,” “Use the buddy system,” “Confront the leader of the pack,” “Consider the results of giving in,” “Look for positive role models,” “Don’t buy the line that everyone’s doing it,” “Seek support,” “Be your own best friend,” “Find ways to excel,” “Don’t pressure others,” “Speak out!,” “Watch your moods,” “Evaluate your friendships,” and “Find new friends” are the recommendations from the website. These tips are likely generally effective. Consistently reaffirming a “no” can dissuade those creating tension from continuing to pressure others. Friends who do not participate in actions which are forced can also aide in stopping others from causing peer pressure. Interactions with friends who enforce negative actions should be suspended. Independently speaking out against peer pressure is equally as effective as speaking out in a group. There are some flaws in these tips. Avoiding stressful situations can be difficult for teenagers, especially in high school and college settings. This suggestion is not likely to be as successful as the others.

This website lists tips for parents with children susceptible to peer pressure. These tips are “Don’t overreact,” “Talk about what makes a true friend,” “Get to know your child’s friends,” “Talk about what independence really means,” “Role play peer pressure,” and “Model saying ‘No’.” The suggestions may be somewhat successful for parents. Demonstrating peer pressure and how to resist it can teach children to avoid peer pressure at young ages. Monitoring a child’s relationships to determine influences can stop the child from entering potentially harmful friendships. More recommendations could be added to this list. The existing tips are somewhat vague. Despite this, parents can glean some useful information from this website.

This website list tips for avoiding peer pressure for middle schoolers. “Take time out,” “Do something else for awhile- exercise, read, see a movie, listen to music,” “Talk to someone- friends, parents, a teacher or counselor,” “Ask for help,” “Take a fresh look; brainstorm new solutions,” “Don’t be overly critical of yourself; give yourself a break,” “Think of your past accomplishments,” “Think about your good qualities,” “Learn your limits; don’t take on more than you can handle,” “Put things in perspective; pressures usually pass,” “Write a journal,” and “Use your sense of humor” are the tips from the website. These suggestions are likely helpful for middle schoolers struggling with pressured situations. Encouraging students to seek assistance from parents and teachers can be beneficial. Writing journals, brainstorming, and reflecting upon oneself can create distractions from the pressured situation. Knowing one’s limitations and not being overly critical of oneself allow stressors to be lessened. There are some flaws in these tips. Pressures may not always pass quickly. Handling the situation immediately is optimal.

Media Production Project

Mid-life crisis is a common term which is often used generically.  This expression is not as misused as it may seem. Studies show that lowered emotional states occur in most adults during middle age. Despite the existence of multiple factors, such as economic status and education, mid-life crisis effects nearly everyone. Regardless of ethnicity and location, middle age leads to spikes in stressors. Multiple data sets have confirmed a U-shaped pattern in emotional well-being. The dip in the pattern is caused by lowered emotional well-being during mid-life. Other patterns have been disproved over time. The correlation between emotional lows and age has been tested in various conditions.

Tests which involved age and emotional patterns were conducted in over fifty countries across the globe.  The results, though somewhat mixed, point to a drop in happiness once adulthood is reached. Emotional well-being decreases from approximately age 20 to age 50. A significant dip in happiness occurs at approximately age 30. Emotional states are high during childhood and rise again during old age. These patterns are the cause of the U-shape which describes happiness throughout life. Mid-life is the stereotyped period of crisis in human life. Increased stressors, such as unmet adolescent expectations and financial status, occur during this stage of life. Increased stress and worry cause large decreases in emotional well-being. The U-shape of happiness seems to label mid-life crisis as factual.

Mid-life crisis seems to affect adults worldwide. The inevitability of lowered emotional states during middle age may be the cause of a rational fear among adolescents. The resurrection of  happiness in elderly adults is little compensation for increased stress and decreased enjoyment of life. Middle age can truly be considered a time of crisis.

Blanchflower, David G. Andrew J. Oswald. “Do Humans Suffer a Psychological Low in Midlife? Two Approaches (With and Without Controls) in Seven Data Sets.” University of Warwick. Web. Accessed 23 Oct. 2017.


Soergel, Andrew. “Study: Happiness is a U and Middle Age is Depressing.” U.S. News & World Report. Web. Accessed 9 Sept. 2017.


I omitted many small details found in the original article. I also simplified the information about the data sets. The original article is convoluted and difficult to understand. The language is extremely verbose. The critical research questions are not answered in a comprehensible manner in the original article. There is an excessive amount of detail in this article. The news article does not contain enough information about the mid-life tests which were conducted. This article omits much specific data. My summary combines the information found in both articles while remaining concise.

I am considering journalism as a full-time career. This project did not affect my views of journalists. I believe journalism is an outlet of self-expression and an excellent writing career. Journalists have the freedom to insert opinions into their writing while discussing specific real-world topics. Journalism is an optimal career choice for me.

Motivation Option 2

I chose to come to Etown because of the small campus and the English program.  The location of the College and personalized academics also contributed to my decision. I took both the SAT and the ACT before I was accepted. I had to work vigorously to get into Etown. I always remind myself of how hard I had to work to get into Etown to motivate myself. I also reward myself by taking a break to watch TV after completing large assignments to stay motivated. These strategies have so far been successful in motivating me to keep working through the semester. I can continue to use these strategies to stay motivated until graduation. I can also add more rewards for completing assignments.


Johari Window Bonus Post

My Johari Window was somewhat surprising. Several of the traits I selected for myself were also chosen by the others who contributed. Positive traits which I did not attribute myself with were selected multiple times. I learned that I am kind and compassionate towards others, even if I do not know them well. This was news to me because I often feel as though I am harsh towards others, especially my friends. The Johari Window may not be an accurate measurement of personality, as outward personality could be exaggerated or falsified.

<table style=”text-align:center;border-spacing:0px; border-collapse:collapse;”> <tr><td style=”border:1px solid #000;padding:4px;width:50%;vertical-align:top;background:#ccf”> <h2 style=”margin:0px”>Arena</h2>

(known to self and others)

<p> <span style=”color:#00007F”>accepting</span>, <span style=”color:#0000FF; font-weight:bold”>sympathetic</span></p></td><td style=”border:1px solid #000;padding:4px;width:50%;vertical-align:top;background:#fcc”> <h2 style=”margin:0px”>Blind Spot</h2>

(known only to others)

<p> <span style=”color:#BF0000; font-weight:bold”>caring</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>cheerful</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>confident</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>energetic</span>, <span style=”color:#7F0000″>extroverted</span>, <span style=”color:#BF0000; font-weight:bold”>friendly</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>helpful</span>, <span style=”color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold”>intelligent</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>knowledgeable</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>logical</span>, <span style=”color:#7F0000″>loving</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>modest</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>nervous</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>organised</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>powerful</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>self-assertive</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>silly</span>, <span style=”color:#7F0000″>tense</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>warm</span></p></td></tr><tr><td style=”border:1px solid #000;padding:4px;width:50%;vertical-align:top;background:#cfc”> <h2 style=”margin:0px”>Façade</h2>

(known only to self)

<p> adaptable, dependable, mature</p></td><td style=”border:1px solid #000;padding:4px;width:50%;background:#ccc”> <h2 style=”margin:0px”>Unknown</h2>

(known to nobody)

<p style=”font-size:0.8em”> able, bold, brave, calm, clever, complex, dignified, giving, happy, idealistic, independent, ingenious, introverted, kind, observant, patient, proud, quiet, reflective, relaxed, religious, responsive, searching, self-conscious, sensible, sentimental, shy, spontaneous, trustworthy, wise, witty</p></td></tr></table> <h2>Dominant Traits</h2><p><b>66%</b> of people think that Scroopie Noopers is <b>intelligent</b><br></p><h3>All Percentages</h3><p><span style=”color:#888″>able (0%)</span> <b>accepting</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>adaptable (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>bold (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>brave (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>calm (0%)</span> <b>caring</b> (50%) <b>cheerful</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>clever (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>complex (0%)</span> <b>confident</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>dependable (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>dignified (0%)</span> <b>energetic</b> (16%) <b>extroverted</b> (33%) <b>friendly</b> (50%) <span style=”color:#888″>giving (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>happy (0%)</span> <b>helpful</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>idealistic (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>independent (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>ingenious (0%)</span> <b>intelligent</b> (66%) <span style=”color:#888″>introverted (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>kind (0%)</span> <b>knowledgeable</b> (16%) <b>logical</b> (16%) <b>loving</b> (33%) <span style=”color:#888″>mature (0%)</span> <b>modest</b> (16%) <b>nervous</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>observant (0%)</span> <b>organised</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>patient (0%)</span> <b>powerful</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>proud (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>quiet (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>reflective (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>relaxed (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>religious (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>responsive (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>searching (0%)</span> <b>self-assertive</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>self-conscious (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>sensible (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>sentimental (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>shy (0%)</span> <b>silly</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>spontaneous (0%)</span> <b>sympathetic</b> (33%) <b>tense</b> (33%) <span style=”color:#888″>trustworthy (0%)</span> <b>warm</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>wise (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>witty (0%)</span> </p>

Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 15.11.2017, using data from 6 respondents.
You can make your own Johari Window, or view Scroopie Noopers’s full data.

Option 1

I took the sexuality and age IAT tests. I do not think the tests provide accurate results. Half of the questions in both tests were exactly the same. The other half of the tests consisted of choosing between categories. Most of them were unrelated. The generalization of the results was vague and seemingly random. The tests were tedious to complete. They were poorly constructed and unimaginative. The results were too vague to be surprising. I do not have any further opinions of my results. I do not believe that these test will be useful for college students.

November Spotlight Post

This website lists stress management tips for college students. These tips are “Get enough sleep,” “Eat well,” “Exercise,” “Avoid unnatural energy boosters,” “Get emotional support,” “Don’t give up your passions,” “Try not to overload yourself,” “Avoid relaxing with alcohol,” “Breathe,” and “Get a massage.” In general, these tips are helpful and attainable. However, certain strategies, such as getting enough sleep and avoiding overloading, may be difficult for college students to manage. The additions of emotional support and remembering to breathe are valuable tips. Stress can cause physical and emotional maladies, and stopping to breathe and talking to others can aide in clearing the mind and distancing students from stressors.

This website lists stress management tips for writers. These tips are “Set realistic expectations,” “Eat nutrients that increase energy,” “Move your body,” “Write in a different genre,” “Visualize the finished manuscript, article, or book proposal,” “Free your mind,” “Organize your desk, computer files, and house,” and “Write for someone who loves you dearly.” These tips are exceptionally helpful for writers. Writing in different genres can relieve stress caused by writers’ block. Organizing other materials  can distract one from the task at hand and be relaxing. Visualizing finished projects is motivational and relieves growing pressure.

This website lists stress management tips for families. These tips are “Evaluate your lifestyle,” “Talk about it,” “Create a healthy environment,” “Focus on yourself,” and “Change one habit at a time.” These tips are helpful for families struggling to destress together. Though they are somewhat generic, following these strategies can create a comfortable environment within the family. Family members can communicate individual concerns and work together to change stressful aspects of family life.


The online personality tests seem to be similar in nature. Many of the questions are restated in each test. The personality types I scored are also similar. The Jung Typology Test attributed me with the personality type INFJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging). People with this personality type are empathetic and inspirational. They tend to choose careers in the fields of liberal arts, such as writing. This personality type describes me fairly well. This test seems credible. The Type Theory test listed my personality type as ISFJ or “Conservator.” People with this personality type are loyal and work-oriented. Though this personality loosely describes me, the credibility of this test is questionable. The questions in this test are somewhat vague. My personality according to the Big-Five test is mostly Intellect/Imagination. This is fairly accurate. The results of the Color Test state that I am very stressed in my current situation. This is true, however, the other aspects of the results are inaccurate. This test does not seem substantially credible as colors cannot determine traits.

Option 1

Stress is a regular part of my life. Over time, I have learned to manage and handle stress. I am consistently improving my strategies for this. To de-stress, I often take a break from homework and spend time with my friends. Watching movies and taking walks are helpful ways to relieve stress. I also draw, knit, and watch TV to decompress. Knitting is particularly relaxing for me. I walk around campus multiple times a day. I am able to clear my mind during walks and other types of exercise. These methods of de-stressing have greatly improved my mentality. I become stressed very easily. Until I discovered the aforementioned methods, I was unable to properly de-stress, relax, and clear my mind. I believe I am currently able to manage my stress effectively. I do not need to add other stress management activities to my routine. My methods of decompressing are successful and regularly allow me to de-stress.

Option 2

For this post, I took the Emotion Intelligence test. I scored 12/20 on the test. This score is apparently average. My score does not reflect the amount of expressions I believe I am able to read. The test is not an accurate measurement of emotion deciphering abilities.

The expressions depicted in the pictures within the test are vague and could be viewed several different emotions. Despite the descriptions of muscle movement caused by each emotion, differences in facial expressions are somewhat indecipherable. The descriptions do not match the listed emotions in many of the pictures. Happiness, amusement, embarrassment, shame, and love are examples of confusing expressions depicted in the test.

The ability to read emotions accurately is an integral part of daily life. Maintaining relationships requires communication, and understanding the feelings of others allows communication to flourish. Reading emotions also can be beneficial in judging certain situations.

Spotlight Post- Memory

The article “Top 10 High School Study Tips” by Todd VanDuzer and Renae Hintz discusses ten ways for high school students to improve their study habits. These tips include “Be engaged, take notes, and listen,” “Keep up to date with your homework,” “Have an organizational system in place,” “Have a routine,” “Have daily and weekly objectives in place,” “Do not procrastinate,” “Have an ideal study station,” “Unplug, log off, mute, and power down,” “Manage high school stress,” and “Take advantage of technology available.” This article includes charts, graphs, and images to create a visual enhancement for each study tip. The article also includes subheadings and lists. The study tips in this article are extremely helpful for a struggling high school student. The visuals aspects are attention-catching. The format of the article causes it to be easy to comprehend. The subheadings and lists describe multiple methods of executing the aforementioned study tips. The article seemingly has no weaknesses. The lists and visuals are simple, and following the article’s advice can allow a student to learn to better commit important material to working memory.

The article “How to Study: Studying Tips for College Students” discusses ideal situations in which college students study most effectively. This article also describes tools students can use to improve their study habits. The article includes statistics which demonstrate the effectiveness of  the study improvement tips discussed, such as certain amounts of sleep and use of technology. Though there are many visual enhancements which explain the study tips, the article is somewhat disorganized. The majority of the information is stated within the visuals as opposed to lists or subcategories. The format of the article is difficult to understand. This may confuse a struggling college student and result in unaffected study habits. The visuals are also convoluted and may be difficult to commit to working memory.

The article “Top 10 Homework Tips”, reviewed by Eric J. Gaber, discusses ten ways for parents to assist their children with studying and homework. “Know the teachers- and what they’re looking for,” “Set up a homework friendly area,” “Schedule a regular study time,” “Help them make a plan,” “Keep distractions to a minimum,” “Make sure kids do their own work,” “Be a motivator and monitor,” “Set a good example,” “Praise their work and efforts,” and “If there are continuing problems with homework, get help” are the tips explained in the article. The information in this article is simple and comprehensible. There are no visual enhancements within this article. Images or charts describing the effectiveness of the aforementioned tips would cause the article to be more attention-catching. Details could be added to the descriptions of the study tips to further explain each one. Despite these shortcomings, the article successfully explains methods of study which allow parents to aide their children in memorizing important material.


Gaber, Eric J. “Top 10 Homework Tips.” Nemours. Web. Accessed Oct. 8 2017.

Media, Column Five. “How to Study: Studying Tips for College Students.” Rasmussen College. Web. Accessed Oct. 8 2017.

VanDuzer, Todd. Renae Hintz. “Top 10 High School Study Tips.” Web. Accessed Oct. 8 2017.