Media Production Project

Mid-life crisis is a common term which is often used generically.  This expression is not as misused as it may seem. Studies show that lowered emotional states occur in most adults during middle age. Despite the existence of multiple factors, such as economic status and education, mid-life crisis effects nearly everyone. Regardless of ethnicity and location, middle age leads to spikes in stressors. Multiple data sets have confirmed a U-shaped pattern in emotional well-being. The dip in the pattern is caused by lowered emotional well-being during mid-life. Other patterns have been disproved over time. The correlation between emotional lows and age has been tested in various conditions.

Tests which involved age and emotional patterns were conducted in over fifty countries across the globe.  The results, though somewhat mixed, point to a drop in happiness once adulthood is reached. Emotional well-being decreases from approximately age 20 to age 50. A significant dip in happiness occurs at approximately age 30. Emotional states are high during childhood and rise again during old age. These patterns are the cause of the U-shape which describes happiness throughout life. Mid-life is the stereotyped period of crisis in human life. Increased stressors, such as unmet adolescent expectations and financial status, occur during this stage of life. Increased stress and worry cause large decreases in emotional well-being. The U-shape of happiness seems to label mid-life crisis as factual.

Mid-life crisis seems to affect adults worldwide. The inevitability of lowered emotional states during middle age may be the cause of a rational fear among adolescents. The resurrection of  happiness in elderly adults is little compensation for increased stress and decreased enjoyment of life. Middle age can truly be considered a time of crisis.

Blanchflower, David G. Andrew J. Oswald. “Do Humans Suffer a Psychological Low in Midlife? Two Approaches (With and Without Controls) in Seven Data Sets.” University of Warwick. Web. Accessed 23 Oct. 2017.


Soergel, Andrew. “Study: Happiness is a U and Middle Age is Depressing.” U.S. News & World Report. Web. Accessed 9 Sept. 2017.


I omitted many small details found in the original article. I also simplified the information about the data sets. The original article is convoluted and difficult to understand. The language is extremely verbose. The critical research questions are not answered in a comprehensible manner in the original article. There is an excessive amount of detail in this article. The news article does not contain enough information about the mid-life tests which were conducted. This article omits much specific data. My summary combines the information found in both articles while remaining concise.

I am considering journalism as a full-time career. This project did not affect my views of journalists. I believe journalism is an outlet of self-expression and an excellent writing career. Journalists have the freedom to insert opinions into their writing while discussing specific real-world topics. Journalism is an optimal career choice for me.

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